Dear Sister, if a boy is interested in you that doesn’t mean that he considers you his “future wife”.
As many boys like him who don’t fear Allah, he tries always to be nice to every girl he meets. The more she encourages him and be intimate with him, the more he keeps up flirting with her and build her up with his words.
He may “like” you now, but he liked many girls before you and he will like others after you whom will be “nicer” than you.
A boy like that, will always move on in his life, trying to search for “nicer” girls, but the day he will decide to get married, he will choose an innocent pure girl who has never had a boyfriend!
Dear Sister, wake up, turn to Allah. The door of repentance is still open!
Fight temptations; teach your heart to be chaste and pure.
Don’t waste it on feelings which displease Allah. Preserve it for the only one who deserves it - your husband Insha'Allah.
Remember, “If you want to have a righteous husband than teach your heart to be righteous first”.
May Allah SWT give every brother and sister in faith a pious spouse. Ameen
Waseem Ahmad
Getting married is easy but the hardest thing is finding the right partner who's going to help you maintain and increase your level of Imaan and Taqwa.
If you want to get married, ask Allah for 3 things in a spouse:
1. Ya Allah please Grant me someone who will remind me of You.
2. Ya Allah please Grant me someone who will hold my hand in Jannah.
3. Ya Allah please Grant me someone who will elevate my Imaan.

Ameen Ya Rabb ...


They got married after a beautiful love story, and after two weeks the husband woke up to go to work. He went to the bathroom to wash his face, and in the mirror he saw his face full of drawings of different colors.

His wife was young, childish, and had an innocent heart. She scribbled on his face as he was sleeping, and she did so with a great love, that they would laugh about it in the morning.

The husband washed his face while upset, and went to the kitchen to drink the coffee which he usually does every morning. He did not find the coffee, and he became more upset, and went to her.

She smiled because she thought he would laugh at her, and say something romantic.

But he slapped her until she fell down, and yelled at her saying: “I did not marry you to play with you, I am a man and not a young child. I married you to start a family to have children, to be a man in the eyes of everyone. Do you want to live a love story of the films and those novels that you read? Wake up, these stories does not make a home, nor provide food, nor raise children. Today I will invite my friends for lunch, I want everything to be ready when I come back. Do you understand?”

He went out and saw himself as the master of the house. He left her broken, crying so hard that she could not breathe well.

She is sick and when she cries she almost breaks out. Then she hurriedly went to prepare lunch, and tears did not leave her cheeks.

The husband went and told his friend what had happened while laughing: “They think that marriage is all love and romance. This is how women should be treated, my friend, otherwise she will never learn responsibility. She will not be a good mother. She must know that marriage is not as she sees or reads about it. These are just stories to gain profits. They need to learn that marriage is not a game or a novel.”

But fortunately his friend was not like him, he did not let him to finish his conversation, he cut him saying: “What kind of a man are you? Why are you so harsh on your wife? Is this how a good husband is supposed to be? The Messenger of Allah (May Allah's Blessings and Peace be upon him) said: (Be gentle with ladies, they are like glasses.) You have to deal with them gently and be soft on them, and do not break their hearts. Blessings and Peace of Allah be upon him said: (This world is temporary joys, and the best temporary joy of this world is a righteous wife.) Beware what you mentioned a little while ago about cooking and raising the children. It is not compulsory for her, but being nice to her will make her love you more, and be passion on you, and she will do all these without you telling her. You should know that she is not your maid. Go back to your senses my friend, and repent to Allah. Go back to your wife and honor her and do not make her sad again.”

The husband felt sad and regretted what he did. He then decided to call her to tell her that he had cancelled the lunch invitation of his friends, and to prepare lunch for them alone.

The phone rang but there was no answer. He went back to the house quickly and rang the bell but no one answered. He forgot his keys in the morning, because he came out while upset. Suddenly his phone rang, it was his wife's brother. His wife called his brother when she felt she was not well, to take her to the hospital. His wife's brother said to him: “Brother, we are in the hospital.” His voice was full of sadness, which made the husband's heart almost to stop from fear, and the idea that something bad had happened to his wife. He stopped the Taxi and went to the hospital, and found all her family there. There was sadness on their faces. He thought that they would be angry at him, but it seems they did not know what had happened. He greeted them and waited for the doctor.

After several hours the doctor came out to them head down and told them: “With great sadness and sorrow, May Allah Have Mercy on her, the weakness of her heart came to us late.”

Everyone cried, especially the husband. He regretted and blamed himself. Her mother washed her and she was buried the same day. In the evening the husband returned home after taking the keys from the brother of his deceased wife.

He entered the house and found the table covered. He removed the cover and found the best delicious dishes, and saw a paper hanging on the door of the refrigerator. It was written: “My love, I am sorry because I wanted you to betray the customs and traditions of your community. I am sorry because I wanted you to get out of this stone heart of a man, and to hear from you some romantic words, and hug me and tell me that you love me. Forgive me because of my childish mind I wanted you to treat me like a child. I hope your friends will like the food, and I promise that I will never make you sad or upset again. I promise you. I love you so much.”

He looked at the table and threw the food everywhere, and sat down crying, crying and saying: “What did I do to you my love, I killed you with my cruelty, forgive me?”

These days, we dishonor a man who loves and spoils his wife. We have forgotten that, you are considered a great man if you have mercy on your wife, and it is also a Command of Allah.

Allah Says: [And of His signs is that He created for you from yourselves mates that you may find tranquillity in them; and He placed between you affection and mercy. Indeed in that are signs for a people who give thought.]

Remember your wife is from yourself, when she is happy, you will live a happy life. Know that building a happy home requires, Patience, Honesty and Love!

If you don’t share this, nothing will happen to you. If you do, you just might save a marriage.


Stop asking “How was anyone's wedding night”? Or Sex Stories, Very shamefully so it has become a norm to boast and talk about ones sex life infront of friends. Especially after the wedding night everyone gathers and asks "how was it" and brides and grooms describe it to their friends shamelessly.

In some cultures the men wait outside the bedroom till the groom tosses out his shirt or bedsheet with the blood of his bride proving she was virgin! Astaghfirullah like infinite times! Eyuuuuuuuu cringes and shudders

I remember nearly 3 sisters casually dropped the information of their sex lifes infront of me before I could realise what happened and I could stop them.

Please dont do that. It is mentally scarring, unislamic and downright disgusting. 

And when I did realise I told them not to tell me such things in future ever. You will most probably get a response "but I am educating you!" Tell them I will get educated through books and seerah of Prophet. Sadly many make it an ego issue or call you over sensitive if you donot listen.

No one wants to know how you did it or how many times you did.

Sex is not something animalistic in Islam.
It is a spiritual and intimate relationship. If your friends are telling you their sex stories stop them and don't be shy or embarrassed to be upfront about it.

Pleasing Allah should take precedence over pleasing people.

Subhan'Allah look at what Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said about this very issue.

It was reported from Asmaa’ bint Yazeed that she was with the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) and men and women were sitting with him, and the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said, “Would any man say what he did with his wife? Would any woman tell others what she did with her husband?” The people kept quiet and did not answer. I [Asmaa’] said: “Yes, by Allaah, O Messenger of Allaah, they (women) do that, and they (men) do that.” He said, “Do not do that. It is like a male devil meeting a female devil in the road and having intercourse with her whilst the people are watching.”

(Narrated by Abu Dawood, no. 1/339; classed as saheeh by al-Albaani in Adaab al-Zafaaf, p. 143).


Keep Your Personal Life Private.

1. Don't advertise your happy marriage on social media 

2. Don't advertise your kids achievements on Social media 

3. Don't advertise your expensive buys on social media Reality is... 

1. Not everyone is going to be happy for you 

2. Most of the "Nice" comments you get are just fake 

3. You will only attract the evil eye on you and your family 

4. You are attracting jealous people in your life 

5. You don't know who is saving your pictures and checking your updates 

6. You really need to stop this because it may ruin your life, family, marriage and career. 

Social Media is the devils eyes, ears and mouth, don't fall in to the devils trap. Let your private life remain private.


8 Important factors that can Insha’Allah strengthen a marriage relationship in Islam!

Say “Alhamdulillah” for whatever Allah gives us. Accept each other completely. As our Prophet (PBHH) said, if you dislike one of his/her characteristics, you will be pleased with another.

Our Prophet (PBUH) stressed the importance of men helping their wives. Allah tells us the importance of women being mates and helpers to their husbands. This is a real “win-win” situation. Husband and wife helping and supporting each other will result in a strong relationship.

They should never expose their secrets to a third person. Prophet (PBUH) said in Sahih Muslim that the most wicked among the people in the eye of Allah on the Day of judgment will be those men who divulges their wife’s secrets to others.

You get respect when you give respect. This is mandatory for all Muslims toward all people, how much more toward the spouse?

Our Prophet (PBUH) used to entertain His Wife Ayesha (R.A) and She used to play and race with Him.

Whoever does not forgive – will not be forgiven. This comes from Allah, Himself. We must learn to forgive each others for a good spouse relationship in Islam.

Spend time together. Go for walks. Take a bus ride. Visit a friend or someone who is ill (you get big rewards for that). Fast together on Mondays & Thursdays if you can. Make hajj – this is a great way to get a “new start” on life.

Our Prophet (PBUH) used to lead His Wife in Prayer, even though He lived connected to the mosque. He told us not to make our homes like grave yards. We should offer some of our Sunnah prayers at home.

Tag & Share with your friends because our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said: “The one who guides to something good has the reward similar to that one doing it.”

May Allah SWT bless all our marriages Ameen.
Waseem Ahmad
This article is about Relationship with non mehram/Love before Marriage...

Right is Right even no one is doing it and Wrong is Wrong even if everyone is doing it.. So Haram is Haram no matter how widely accepted or practice it is...

So love before marriage is haram, Relationship with any non mehram is totally haram in Islam...

Talking, chatting with any non mehram is prohibited in Islam... No matter how much someone is important for you, or how much you both love with each other...
Without Nikah it's Haram, it's Haram. Don't please your Nafs.. The pleasure of Nafs is temporary.. But the grief, sorrows and guilt lasts forever, because we are committing Sin, because we are disobeying Allah and His rules.

Allah says in Quran: "And of everything We have created pairs".

Then why everyone is so hasty today?
Does He/She can't wait for the Halal one?
Does He/She can't for the one whom Allah has chosen already for him/her?

Do they not believe in Allah's promise that like other things He created you in pairs also..

In Quran Allah says : "And We have created you in pairs".

Is this statement is not enough for you?
Who can be the most True and accurate in His statement except Allah? Indeed No one.

Than why every man and woman is in so hurry and become involved in haram relation...

Let me clear one thing that Islam is not against liking or loving someone. Falling in love isn’t haram, it’s what you do with that love that makes it haram or halal. Islam just set some rules and created some limits, even Islam gives permission to man choose the women he likes for nikah. In Islam even women has permission to like someone and can propose him if she likes him..

We just need to understand the limits and then proceed.. And these limits are in our benefits.

If you love/like someone then first make dua and after dua do istekhara.. If after istekhara you get positive answer from Allah then do your best for marrying him/her. Insha'Allah, Allah will help you. Allah will make a way for you.

Do Nikah, Nikah is Sunnah, The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alahi Waali Wasalam said, "Nikah is my Sunnah and one is who disobey my Sunnah does not belong to me.."

True love starts after Nikah...

Let me clear one thing more, in Islam it is not allowed that any 2 non mehram talk with each other with the hope of Nikah, that one day we will be together, so keep on contacting and talking..

No ,No it is not allowed in Islam..
Islam says if you like someone than do Nikah...
And if you are engaged, you are still non mehram for each other. You have to follow these rules...

Allah's plans are best, we have to trust in Allah... Allah does not do anything before time nor after time, He does what He wants to do at the proper and exact time..
Just wait for the right time, right moment and for the right person. Allah will make a way one day.

No need to worry about your future, just Pray + Struggle and leave it on Allah and keep calm. Leave your Haram relationship for Allah than surely Allah will give you what you want and what's best for you.

As a Muslim it is our duty to follow Allah's rules, follow Prophet's Sunnah then our life in this world and in the next world as well would be great... Insha'Allah.

If you were at wrong path then don't worry Allah's Mercy is very vast... Allah's love is greater than you could imagine... Just come back to Allah and seek His forgiveness..Indeed Allah is most Forgiving and Most Merciful.

Credits: Hoorain Sheikh
Waseem Ahmad
A Small Beautiful Motivational Story!

There was once a man who was madly in love with his wife even though they had been together for more than 10 years, when he was asked what it was about her that he was all praise, he said:

”Ever since we got married, to my aggravation, she never stopped asking me to perform my prayers. Year after year passed by but I did not give two hoots about what she said, but on our 10th wedding anniversary, I asked her what she wanted as her gift and she simply told that my best gift to her would be if I started to pray. I could not deny it to her this time and now as a result, I am very regular with them. She is the one who is responsible for this pleasant change in my life and I love her for it. In fact, I just cannot believe that I have wasted so many years of my life without them.”

☛ Narrated Abu Huraira (May Allah Pleased with Him) narrated that: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: “A woman is married for four things, i.e.,

1. Her wealth.
2. Her family status
3. Her beauty and
4. Her religion

So you should marry the religious woman otherwise you will be a loser.”

[Bukhari, Volume 7, Book 62, Number 27]


This article is about Relationship with non mehram/Love before Marriage...

Right is Right even no one is doing it and Wrong is Wrong even if everyone is doing it.. So Haram is Haram no matter how widely accepted or practice it is...

So love before marriage is haram, Relationship with any non mehram is totally haram in Islam...

Talking, chatting with any non mehram is prohibited in Islam... No matter how much someone is important for you, or how much you both love with each other...

Without Nikah it's Haram, it's Haram. Don't please your Nafs.. The pleasure of Nafs is temporary.. But the grief, sorrows and guilt lasts forever, because we are committing Sin, because we are disobeying Allah and His rules.

Allah says in Quran: "And of everything We have created pairs".

Then why everyone is so hasty today?

Does He/She can't wait for the Halal one?

Does He/She can't for the one whom Allah has chosen already for him/her?

Do they not believe in Allah's promise that like other things He created you in pairs also..

In Quran Allah says : "And We have created you in pairs".

Is this statement is not enough for you?

Who can be the most True and accurate in His statement except Allah? Indeed No one.

Than why every man and woman is in so hurry and become involved in haram relation...

Let me clear one thing that Islam is not against liking or loving someone. Falling in love isn’t haram, it’s what you do with that love that makes it haram or halal. Islam just set some rules and created some limits, even Islam gives permission to man choose the women he likes for nikah. In Islam even women has permission to like someone and can propose him if she likes him..

We just need to understand the limits and then proceed.. And these limits are in our benefits.

If you love/like someone then first make dua and after dua do istekhara.. If after istekhara you get positive answer from Allah then do your best for marrying him/her. Insha'Allah, Allah will help you. Allah will make a way for you.

Do Nikah, Nikah is Sunnah, The Holy Prophet Sallallahu Alahi Waali Wasalam said, "Nikah is my Sunnah and one is who disobey my Sunnah does not belong to me.."

True love starts after Nikah...

Let me clear one thing more, in Islam it is not allowed that any 2 non mehram talk with each other with the hope of Nikah, that one day we will be together, so keep on contacting and talking..

No ,No it is not allowed in Islam..

Islam says if you like someone than do Nikah...

And if you are engaged, you are still non mehram for each other. You have to follow these rules...

Allah's plans are best, we have to trust in Allah... Allah does not do anything before time nor after time, He does what He wants to do at the proper and exact time..

Just wait for the right time, right moment and for the right person. Allah will make a way one day.

No need to worry about your future, just Pray + Struggle and leave it on Allah and keep calm. Leave your Haram relationship for Allah than surely Allah will give you what you want and what's best for you.

As a Muslim it is our duty to follow Allah's rules, follow Prophet's Sunnah then our life in this world and in the next world as well would be great... Insha'Allah.

If you were at wrong path then don't worry Allah's Mercy is very vast... Allah's love is greater than you could imagine... Just come back to Allah and seek His forgiveness..Indeed Allah is most Forgiving and Most Merciful.


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Cellphones, Facebook and WhatsApp can bless or break marriages. Used within the proper parameters of marriage, these can greatly enhance communication between husband and wife. Unfortunately many marriages have failed because of the inappropriate use of cellphones, Facebook and WhatsApp. Protect your marriage, respect your spouse and do not lead yourself into temptation. Avoid secret communications and intimate conversations and private chatting with people of the opposite sex. Be accountable to one another. Unless you're married to a paranoia, have an open cellphone policy with your spouse. If you must have a password on your phone or computer let your spouse know about it. You and your spouse are one. There is absolutely no business or conversation that your spouse should not know about. Openness builds trust.


The best relationship of husband wife is when you two can act like lovers and best friends.

When you have more playful moments than serious ones.

When you can joke around, have unexpected hugs and random kisses.

When you two give each other that specific stare and just smile.

When you'll stay up all night just to settle your arguments and problems.

When you can completely act yourself and they still love you for who you are.